The Freedom Series is your best choice for Sanitary Progressive Cavity Pump applications. Designed for food-grade installation, this pump has the same performance as the Liberty Series and comes with polished sanitary parts. These pumps have been designed to handle fluids as thin as alcohol, spirits and soups to viscous icings, yeast, ice cream, potatoes, apples etc. Many of the Freedom Series pumps have handled products such as milk, ice cream, wine, potato products, juice concentrate, pastry dough and more.
The Freedom Series pumps are made with highly polished 316 Stainless Steel wetted parts. Elastomers are offered in sanitary food-grade Buna, EPDM and Fluroelastomer. Stock pumps are carried with food grade Packing Seal type, but can be retrofitted with a Mechanical Seal (Single or Double). Liberty Process Equipment carries these pumps in a one stage and two stage models. Pumps are equipped with Tri-Clamp Connections and (CIP) Clean-In-Place connections can also be provided. Hopper Feed pumps are also available for viscous material handling. Parts for these pumps are usually kept in stock or have short lead times.