Gusher Pumps, manufacturer of Rumaco®, Ruthman, and Gusher® pumps, represents one of the largest selection of centrifugal pumps available from a single manufacturer. Models include close-coupled pumps, end suction pumps, immersed pumps, self-priming pumps, vortex pumps, sludge pumps, multi-stage pumps, full cantilever pumps. Many in vertical or horizontal styles. Ideally suited for small and large flow rates, and our multi-stage pump is capable of heads in excess of 800 ft. They also offer a range of diaphragm pumps, and turbine pumps.
Numerous models and sizes permit selection of the most hydraulically suitable pump for many capacity/head ranges without having to up or down size operating characteristics.
Gusher Pumps manufactures pumps for a wide range of applications including DIN specifications, ANSI specification, machine tool and centralized coolant systems, automatic paint systems, industrial spray washers, filtration systems, phosphate and bonderizing lines just to name a few.